7 days Course in Arbitration - the flagship event of the IMCs Arbitration Committee.

7 days Course in Arbitration - the flagship event of the IMCs Arbitration Committee.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is in receipt of an email from IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry regarding 7 days Course in Arbitration (the flagship event of the IMC’s Arbitration Committee). The soft copy of the invitation is enclosed herewith.

Encouraged by the excellent and continuing response, IMC has been receiving to the Arbitration Course being organized by the Chamber for the past several years on an annual basis. This year also IMC is organizing it’s Arbitration Committee’s flagship event, i.e. “7 Days Course in Arbitration” from Monday, 10 February 2020 to Saturday, 15th February 2020 and on Monday, 17th February 2020 at the ‘Babubhai Chinai Committee Room’, 2nd Floor, IMC Building, IMC Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai 400020.

Eminent Speakers who have agreed to speak and conduct sessions this year include Justices of the Bombay High Court - Their Lordships The Hon’ble Mr. Justice R. D. Dhanuka, The Hon’ble Mr. Justice S. C. Gupte, The Hon’ble Mr. Justice K. R. Shriram, The Hon’ble Mr. Justice G. S. Kulkarni and The Hon’ble Mr. Justice B. P. Colabawalla; Senior Advocates - Mr. Janak D. Dwarkadas, Dr. Milind R. Sathe, Mr. Arif Bookwala, Mr. Pradeep Sancheti, Mr. Ketan Parikh, Mr. Rajiv Kumar and Mr. Rahul Narichania; and Advocates - Mr. Anant Shende and Mr. Gautam T. Mehta.

This exhaustive Course on arbitration will be conducted over 14 sessions. The Main Speaker at each session comprising of Hon’ble Judges of the Bombay High Court, Senior Counsel and Advocates, having in-depth knowledge and expertise on the subject, who is assisted by Associate Speakers

This course will be of immense knowledge, learning and value to those involved or interested in Arbitration. Certificates will be issued on successful completion of the course to only those participants who attend a minimum of eleven (11) full sessions out of the entire course of fourteen (14) sessions.

To view the Circular issued by IMC Chamber of Commerce & Industry, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association   

Narendra Trivedi 

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