"A ray of hope" Shri Vikarm Dev Dutt, IAS, Hon'ble Administrator, DD and DNH

"A ray of hope" Shri Vikarm Dev Dutt, IAS, Hon'ble Administrator, DD and DNH
Saturday, April 30, 2016
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Dear all,

As we all know that, a severe recession is prevailing across the world economy, which is adversely affecting the growth of industrial sector and causing deceleration. In this Global scenario, the growth of our country has derailed and immediate remedial measures are required to be initiated to make the industries sustain.

As we all know that, the industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli are passing through very bad period and are struggling for their existence. So far as the industrial sector of Dadra & Nagar Haveli is concerned, it is in very critical stage, because industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli are depending over other states for their requirement of RM & PM etc. as well as sale of their finished goods causing logistical disadvantage.  

Considering the said critical situation, all the three associations had marathon discussion among them and it was concluded by all three association i.e. SIA, DNHIA and SIMA that, it is high time for them to come under one umbrella of Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa and represent the pathetic condition of the industries to Govt. of India, local administration, elected representatives and the various apex body of such industries association at National Level.

Though there is a recession, but to make the local industries sustainable, the various schemes of Govt. of  India, Ministry of Textile, Ministry of MSME to be implemented in its true letter and spirit, so that industries can survive at this crucial time. From statics, it transpire that, the entire socio-economy of this territory solely depends on industries and if the industries are not nourished appropriately at this level, the entire development of this area will not only become stain steel it may cause disaster in this region.

Hon'ble Prime Minister has launched various schemes and projects like Make in India, Ease of Doing Business, Digital India, Get Rid of Red tapism, make govt. machineries more accountable, growth oriented and transparent, which will help the industries to some extent to survive. Government is putting their best efforts to ensure to provide very conducive atmosphere within nation to induce foreign investment and with the help of huge skilled manpower India can penetrate in entire global market at this stage.

By this driving thought, all the three associations had deliberate discussion over the issue and concluded to form Federation of all the three Industries associations of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

It was great honour for Industries of DNH, that welcome function of Shri Vikram Dev Dutt, IAS, Hon'ble Administrator, DD and DNH is first function which was organized jointly under the banner of Federation of Industries Association, Silvassa and was followed by welcome lunch  on 26th April 2016 at Ras Resort, Silvassa. Our industries colleagues welcomed Hon'ble Administrator and during the said function the profile of industries of the UT was also presented to Hon'ble Administrator. Said function was attended by large numbers of industrial representatives. We, SIMA acknowledge the active participation and response of members.

Hon'ble Administrator thanked the galaxy of industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli for the warm welcome. With his address, Hon'ble Administrator stressed on implementation of ease of doing business, introduction of e-governance and disposal of various permissions and clearances in time bound manner, which will lead in transparency and accountability  of the concern departments. His Honour added that, he respects the value of time and so believe in quick response and decision, the upliftment of downtrodden section of the society, education and health, generation of employment for the youth of this territory, effective and transparent administration, boost to industrial sector without causing any adverse impact on environment, shall be the priority sectors for his honour.   

While extending the thanks to His Honour, his vision and perspectives were appreciated and it was further mentioned that the industries of DNH is having lot of hopes and expectations from his honour in context of industrial survival in this present period of recession through which industries are passing.

The presence of elected public representatives, senior officials of this administration was also acknowledged.

Your association SIMA hereby express its sincere thanks to all the members of our association who actively participated in the function and made the function a grand success.  

On behalf of all members of our association SIMA, we wish all the best to the Hon’ble Administrator for his tenure, which is expected to be vibrant, transparent and industries oriented and will give additional synergy to this territory. We also convey best of luck newly constituted federation.

To view some glimpses of the function please click here.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Chandrakant M. Parekh, 

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