Activities carried out by Member Industries of SIMA under CSR

Activities carried out by Member Industries of SIMA under CSR
Monday, April 25, 2016
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Dear Members,

During the welcome lunch in the Honour of Hon’ble new Administrator tomorrow that is 26 April 2016 at Ras Resorts, Federation will present some glimpse of CSR activities being done by the industries in Silvassa and also visible improvements in quality of life of local habitants after the industrialization of the UT. We plan to highlight the contributions of industries to public exchequer through central excise, service tax, income tax, VAT and other revenue routes. Impact on per capita income, literacy rates, health standards, infrastructure, education may also be highlighted.

We invite suggestions / data/ visuals from the members and their permission to refer some features in the function.

Material should reach to SIMA office by hand delivery or can be sent soft copy by e-mail  to SIMA till 10:00 am on 26th April 2016.

Hope members would like the idea and use this opportunity to show case their noble work.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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