Addendum issued by the State Disaster Management Authority Secretariat, Daman.

Addendum issued by the State Disaster Management Authority Secretariat, Daman.
Monday, April 12, 2021
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith an Addendum No. DMHS/COVID-19/2020/360, dated 10/04/2021, issued by the State Disaster Management Authority Secretariat, Daman, U.T. Administration of DNH and DD.

Vide the Addendum, in continuation to the Order No. DMHS/COVID-19/2020/324 dated 25th March, 2021 and Addendum No, DMHS/COVID-19/2020/341 dated 5th April 2021, issued by the U.T. Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu, owing to the increasing number of COVID positive cases everyday, the following additional restrictive measures are being imposed for the effective containment of COVID-19: 

* Social / Cultural / Religious / Political and other public gatherings are prohibited in the territory. Marriage and funeral/last rites related gatherings are permitted with a maximum limit of 50 persons outside Containment Zones subject to strict observance of Social distancing, Mandatory wearing of face masks, provisions for thermal scanning and handwash/sanitisers.

* Complete Curfew is hereby imposed on all weekends ( Saturdays and Sundays) with effect from 17/04/2021, however the operation of essential and medical services, delivery of food items, Industrial workers commuting for shift duties are exempted from this.


With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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