Additional Representation in respect of PCC Notification

Additional Representation in respect of PCC Notification
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
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Dear  all,

On 6th December 2014, our association SIMA has already filed objections/ suggestion and comments in respect  to the proposed Draft Notification no.PCC/DMN/13-III/755 dtd:10/10/2014 notified by Pollution Control Committee.

Later on some of industries have submitted some more suggestions/objections. And in the interest of such industries, an additional representation, covering additional suggestion/objection and comments has been filed today 6th January 2015 in respect to the said notification.

The Scanned copy of the additional representation file on 6/1/2015 is enclosed herewith.

Thanking you, 
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra  Trivedi 


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