Allocation of charges of Deputy Director/Deputy Secretary(Transport).

Allocation of charges of Deputy Director/Deputy Secretary(Transport).
Thursday, September 20, 2018
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Dear All,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith an Order No.1-2(B)(425)/2016-ADM/587 dated 18/09/2018 issued by Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms Secretariat, Silvassa. The copy of the order is attached herewith for your reference.

Vide the above order the competent authority has allotted additional charge of Deputy Director(Transport) and Deputy Secretary(Transport), DNH,Silvassa to Shri Karanjit Vadodaria,General Manager,DIC,DNH,Silvassa with immediate effect relieving Shri Rakesh Das,Director (Education) ,DNH from the additional charges of Deputy Director(Transport) and Deputy Secretary(Transport), DNH.

For more details regarding the order please go through the attachment.

Thanking you,

With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi,


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