An order issued by SMC regarding Disposal of Bulk Waste as per Solid Waste Management.

An order issued by SMC regarding Disposal of Bulk Waste as per Solid Waste Management.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith an Order No. SMC/CO/SBM/2016/60/1791 dated  05/07/18 issued by the Chief Officer, Silvassa Municipal Council.

Under Bye-law under 3.11 Dadra Nagar Haveli Silvassa, Municipal Council  Solid Waste  (Handling and Management) Bye-Laws 2018, Chief Officer of Silvassa Municipal Council has declared that the various premises/people to be considered  as bulk waste generator in addition to definition of Bulk waste generator provided in Bye-law 3.11 Dadra Nagar Haveli Silvassa, Municipal Council Solid Waste  (Handling and Management) Bye-Laws 2018.


Further, it is notified that Silvassa Municipal Council shall not collect, accept, process or allow the waste generated by these bulk waste generators in dustbin maintained by Silvassa Municipal Council. These bulk waste generators shall have to process their own waste from 30th July 2018. In case it is found that they have not started processing their own waste by 30th July 2018 the bulk waste generators shall be punished and fined in accordance with Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Silvassa Solid Waste  (Handling and Management) Bye-Laws 2018.


According to Municipal Regulation 2004, which may involve in addition to prosecution in the most serious cases, fine of Rs.1000/- per incidence and fine of Rs.10000/- per incidence for repeated offenders. The wet waste either may be composed or use as biogas and the dry waste may be processed at premises of bulk waste generators as per Solid Waste Management Rule 2016, or at some common processing site.


For more details please go through the attachment.

So all the colleague industries are requested to follow the provisions of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Silvassa Solid Waste  (Handling and Management) Bye-Laws 2018.


This is for your kind information.


Thanking you,

With regards,


For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,


Narendra Trivedi,


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