Appeal from Shri Gaurav Singh Rajawat, Hon'ble Collector, DNH, Silvassa.

Appeal from Shri Gaurav Singh Rajawat, Hon'ble Collector, DNH, Silvassa.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
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Dear all,

We are forwarding herewith the Appeal from Shri Gaurav Singh Rajawat, Hon'ble Collector, DNH, Silvassa. As we all know that, 14th September is celebrated as All India Blind Flag Day throughout our country. In our territory also the UT Branch of National Association for Blind is functioning with object to provide training, education and rehabilitation of Blind and Handicap person of this Territory. 

Hon'ble Collector has appeal to each and every persons of the society to contribute generously for this Nobel Cause.

So all the colleague industries, their staff and employees are requested to come forward voluntarily and contribute for this Nobel cause.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,    

Narendra Trivedi, 

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