APSEZ Hazira Port Trade Meet

APSEZ Hazira Port Trade Meet
Friday, January 2, 2015
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Dear Members,

On behalf of Silvassa Industries & Manufactures Association, I  once again convey our heartiest greeting to you and wish a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2015.

Your association is pleased to inform you that, with our follow up with Adani Ports & SEZ Ltd., the APSEZ has come up with proposal to provide port service from their Hazira Port  to the industries, importers and exporters of DNH, DD and South Gujarat.

It is informed that the said APSEZ Ltd operate container terminals at two of the prominent ports in Gujarat namely Mundra and Hazira. 

Adani Hazira Port Private Ltd (AHPPL) is the developer and operator of deep draft private commercial port at Hazira, Surat and they have forwarded us the brief profile and the information on Hazira Terminal details, infrastructure, facilities and services.AHPPL is helping to optimize Supply Chain of Industries located in Silvassa, Daman and Vapi to improve their shipping cycle thus making Exporters and Importers ship out material faster, safer and most importantly in a Cost Effective Manner.

The scanned copy of the profile, received from Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd is enclosed herewith.

The ASPEZ has proposed to organize a Trade Meet at Silvassa / Daman with an objective to bring all export-import oriented units under one roof. During the Trade meet AHPPL shall inform the exporter-importer and trade about Hazira Port Infrastructures, Operational Capacity, World port connections and to update trade on how Hazira can give them overall advantage in Inland Logistics and Export/Import.

So, all the members are hereby requested to give their feedback on the issue at the earliest. On getting the feedback and response from Industries colleagues, further discussion and follow up can be taken up with AHPPL, to enable your Association to organize the Trade Meet with Adani Hazira Port Pvt Ltd in 3rd week of January, 2015 with the industries, Importer/Exporter of this Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli, who are interested to use the facility of AHPPL for import/export of their raw materials and finish goods.

Your early feedback in this regards shall be highly appreciated.


Thanking you,
With regards,


For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association.

Narendra Trivedi


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