ARR Petition and Tariff Proposal for the year 2015-16 filed by Elect. Dept.,Trans. Div.

ARR Petition and Tariff Proposal for the year 2015-16 filed by Elect. Dept.,Trans. Div.
Monday, December 8, 2014
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Dear all,

This is to inform you that Electricity Department, Transmission Division, Dadra & Nagar Haveli,Vidyut Bhavan, Opp. Secretariat, Silvassa has issued a public notice no. DNH/ELE/TRANS/2014/224/542, dated:03/12/2014. The scanned copy of the said public notice is enclosed here with.

Vide the said public notice, it is informed to the general public that, Electricity Department, Transmission Division, DNH has filed the ARR and Tariff Proposal before the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission to determine the ARR and Tariff for the year 2015-16 for Transmission Division.  

You are requested to go through the said public notice and read the proposal carefully. For the detail of any expenses, copy of the documents can be obtain from the Electricity Department, Transmission Division on payment of Rs. 100/- for each set.

So, fellow industries are hereby requested to study the ARR and Tariff Proposal filed by Electricity Department, Transmission Division and the fellow industries are further requested to file their comments, suggestions/objections before the JERC.

The fellow industries are also requested to send their comments, objections/suggestions to your association SIMA, so that, all the comments, suggestions/objections can be compiled and the matter can be collectively represented before the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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