Article published by the Times of India e-paper, dated 11.10.2019, Mumbai Edition.

Article published by the Times of India e-paper, dated 11.10.2019, Mumbai Edition.
Friday, October 11, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith an article published by the Times of India e-paper, dated 11.10.2019.            

Govt. orders biggest review of GST since its launch: TOI, dated 11.10.2019.
(Rates & Slabs Likely to be Tweaked)

As per the article, two years after its launch, the Union Government has begun the biggest review of GST-including a possible resetting of rates along along with a scrutiny of the slabs—to tone up collections and plug leakages.

The task has been assigned to a 12-member committee of state and central government officials to “augment GST collection and administration”. The panel was set up a day before the PMO leads consultations with state chief secretaries on Friday, where states would be urged to push for improved collections.

The GST review committee can co-opt other state government representatives to look at fitting some of the products in other slabs.

Weak GST enforcement in states worries officials.
G ST collections have slowed down in recent months and have grown at a shade under 5% during the first half of the current financial year, against the target of 13%. While a part of the slowdown is attributed to the state of the economy, especially the sharp fall in auto sales and floods, officials are also worried over weak enforcement in the states, who have been assured compensation by the Centre in case collections grow at under 14% during the year.

In recent weeks, Opposition-ruled states have attacked the Centre on GST collections and said that tax collections have been hit due to a faulty design and not necessarily due to a slowdown. They have blamed the tax cuts for lower collections, a charge that has been rubbished by the Centre, which has said that states were party toall the “unanimous decisions” taken by the GST Council.

To read the full article PLEASE CLICK HERE.

This is for your kind information.


Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi



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