Article published by the Times of India e-paper, dated 17.08.2019, Mumbai Edition.

Article published by the Times of India e-paper, dated 17.08.2019, Mumbai Edition.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith article published by the Times of India e-paper, Mumbai Edition dated 17.08.2019.

Less than half of India Inc meets social spends Norm: TOI
(Cos Cite Reasons Like ‘Unable to Find Suitable CSR Project)

As per the article Recent news that company officials could be jailed for not complying with mandated corporate social responsibility (CSR) spends may be causing ripples, but the first comprehensive survey since the rules came into effect in 2013 reveals that corporate India has clearly failed to give back.

Less than half of the 21,337 companies that are liable for CSR are fulfilling their obligations, citing reasons like “suitable project not found”, which many who work at the ground level in the social sector are finding hard to digest.

“The funders prefer to work in and around their factories. But those areas are already going to have better development,” said Sanghavi.

Sanghavi also pointed out that the CSR approach should change from one of handouts to one of impact. “So, when we say build 1,000 toilets, we don’t ensure that they’re all connected to a water treatment plant. You are pushing corporates towards quick-fix solutions. Impact should be measured differently.”

To read the full article PLEASE CLICK HERE.



Thanking you,
With regards

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi


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