Association met Chief Officer to resolve the problem of lifting of domestic waste from Industries.

Association met Chief Officer to resolve the problem of lifting of domestic waste from Industries.
Friday, August 31, 2018
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Dear All,

As you are aware that SMC has issued an order dated 05.07.2018. The copy of the said order is attached herewith. Vide the said order  SMC has directed to all the Bulk Waste Generator and Industries to dispose of the domestic waste by installing the composter to decompose the domestic waste which in turn shall generate manure. As per the order the industries are responsible to dispose of their domestic waste.

On this issue, your association SIMA received feedback from colleague industries and particularly MSMEs who are running their units in gala and in small plots.

In this regard, your association SIMA along with other associations met under the banner of Federation of Industries Associations to Chief Officer SMC. Our delegation represented the difficulties and issues in the implementation of their order. It was brought to his kind notice that industries particularly MSMEs have no space to install the system and to operate the composter efficiently. Hence, the existing present facility of the lifting of waste by SMC should continue.

Responding to the issues, the Chief Officer suggested that, smaller units can put composed plant by making a cluster of 4-5 units together or someone else can put a large plant that others can join. He also suggested that SMC has also engaged an agency to transport and disposed off non-hazardous waste. Industries can contact the same or other agency.

SIMA/Federation is now establishing contact with the assigned agency for further course of action.

So all the colleague industries are requested to be in touch with SIMA/FIA for feedback.

Thanking you,

With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi


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