Circular issued by Deputy Labour Commissioner, DNH regarding payment of Bonus
Dear all,
Your association is in receipt of a Circular from Deputy Labour Commissioner, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Silvassa vide Circular No. LEO/Bonus/2347/2018 dated 30/10/2018. The scanned copy of the circular is enclosed herewith for your ready reference.
Vide this circular it is informed that, some industrial establishments / contractors in the UT of DNH are still not paying bonus to the workers in accordance with the provisions of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 thereby depriving the workers from their legitimate right. The complaints are also often received that the workers are paid bonus less than they are statutorily entitled to get.
Vide the Circular it is also informed that, the act of employers paying less bonus or not paying bonus amounts to blatant violation of the provision of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and the employers are liable for action.
Hence, all the factories, establishments and contractors to which the said Act applies are requested to ensure that they pay bonus to their eligible workers in accordance with the provision of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
All the colleague industries are hereby requested for compliance of the above circular in true letter and spirit.
Thanking you,
With regards,
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association
Narendra Trivedi,