Circular issued by the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC).

Circular issued by the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC).
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith a Circular No. JERC/RA-3/I/2020-21/37, dated 26.05.2020 issued by the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC), (For the State of Goa & Union territories) in respect of Moratorium on payment of Fixed Charges - Clarifications regarding charging of Late Payment Surcharge.

As per the Circular, In the matter of Suo Moto Petition No. JERC/LEGAL/SMP/27/2020, JERC vide Suo Moto Order dated 10th April 2020 decided as under:


* The Commission has powers to modify its tariff orders under Section 62 of Electricity Act 2003. In exercise of this power, Commission has reduced LPSC @ 1% p.m. instead of 2% p.m. as provided in its tariff orders dated 20th May 2019. This relaxation is purely of temporary nature for the period starting from 24th March 2020 to 30th June 2020.

* A moratorium on payment of Fixed Charges is provided to all industrial and commercial consumers for the bills raised during the period from 24/3/2020 to 30/6/2020, which they can avail if they so desire. These deferred charges shall be recovered in an equated manner over the next three bills to be raised after 30th June’ 2020.


The Commission is in receipt of representations/grievances regarding charging of late payment surcharge on the fixed charges by distribution licensees for the industrial and commercial consumers opting for the moratorium in terms of ibid order............. TO VIEW THE CIRCULAR PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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