Clarification about the hike in Electricity Bill for the month of June 2019 by DNHPDCL

Clarification about the hike in Electricity Bill for the month of June 2019 by DNHPDCL
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
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Dear All,

Your association SIMA is in receipt of Tariff Order No. 14/78/2018-JERC/407-416, dated: 03.07.2019 by Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission, regarding Retail Tariff for FY 19-20 notified by the commission vide Tariff Orders dated 20th May,2019 for various Territories under jurisdiction of JERC – Clarification.

As per the Order is noticed by the colleague industries that abnormal hike in their electricity bill for the month of June 2019. As you are aware that, Hon’ble Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission announced the new tariff order on 20/05/2019 which was effective from 1st June of 2019. The tariff order was silent over extension of regulatory surcharge for the month April & May 2019. Now it has been clarified that, the tariff as prevailing up to 31.03.19 has been extended with all surcharges including regulatory surcharge up to 31.05.19. Hence, DNHPDCL did not recovered the regulatory surcharge for the month of April & May 2019.

Since higher tariff was not imposed during the above two months hence net effect is same. This is one-time recovery.

In this regards, Hon’ble JERC has issued a clarification vide its letter No. 14/78/2018-JERC/407-413 dated 03.07.2019. PLEASE CLICK HERE to view the same.

This is for your kind information.  

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi


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