Clarification on various notifications issued by Ministry of Labour and Employment..

Clarification on various notifications issued by Ministry of Labour and Employment..
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
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Dear all colleagues,

This is to inform you that, recently Government of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment has issued various draft notifications vide Notification No. 2832 (E), 2833 (E), 2834 (E), 2835 (E), 2836 (E), 2837 (E), 2838 (E), 2839 (E) on 1st September 2016. The copies notifications are enclosed herewith. After consulting the concerned Advisory Boards, the Ministry of Labour and Employment has Notified the minimum wages for the employee engage in Agriculture, various Mines, Construction or Maintenance of Roads, Runway, Building Operations, Stone Mines, Manual Scavengers & Construction of Dry Latrine, Watch & Ward,  Loading & Unloading  (engaged in Railway, Port, Dock, Airport & Warehouse). For the details of the Notifications you can go through the attachments. Vide the said notifications, objections/suggestions of general public is invited in respect to said Draft proposals.

 It is also emphasized that, the said Draft proposals shall be taken into consideration after expiry of two months from the date on which copies of these notifications, as published in the Official Gazette, are made available to the public. Any objections or suggestions, which may be received from any person or organization with respect to the said Draft proposals within the time frame stipulated above, shall be considered by the Central Government. The objections and suggestions shall be addressed to the Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001.

 Vide the said Notifications, Ministry of Labour and Employment has proposed the Minimum Wage Rs. 350/- for Unskilled Employees. Due to the said notifications, industrial sector is confused and all the three associations i.e. SIA, DNHIA and SIMA are receiving queries from their fellow members who seek clarification on the subject. Hence, Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa has decided to study the notifications in detail and decided to have an awareness session to guide the industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

 So, Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa shall organize an awareness seminar on the issue at the earliest…..


Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,

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