Contribution to National Exchequer in form of Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax

Contribution to National Exchequer in form of Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
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Dear all,

We are in receipt of a letter No. V/Mics-11/Sil/T/2014-15/132, dtd: 08/04/2015 from Shri K.R.N. Chary, Honl. Commissioner, Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax, Silvassa. The scanned copy of the said letter is enclosed herewith for your reference.

Vide the said letter Hon’ble Commissioner has conveyed that,

"With the cooperation and support of the members of industry as well as Trade, individually and collectively the Commissionerate has surpass the target fixed by the Board for this Commissionerate and our Commissionerate has contributed a very significant revenue to national exchequer".

For this achievements and surpassing the target fixed by the Board for the Commissionerate, Hon’ble Commissioner has conveyed his thanks to every assess for their valuable support and cooperation to the Commissionerate to surpass the target. We, from SIMA congratulate Hon’ble Commissioner and entire team of Silvassa Commissionerate for their sincere efforts and hard work to surpass the target. At the same time Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association (SIMA) also conveys thanks to all the fellow colleagues industries, assess for their contribution to national exchequer, in form of central excise, customs and service tax.

It is proud for all of us that, with this contribution, we industries have also played our important role in the Nation Building. We are sure that,with cooperation and support from the Hon'ble Commissioner and his team of Silvassa Commissionerate, we assure that, in coming years the contribution of Silvassa Commissionerate to National Exchequer shall significantly increase.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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