D.O. Letter issued by Secretary, Ministry of MSME, GOI, regarding Payment of MSME Dues.

D.O. Letter issued by Secretary, Ministry of MSME, GOI, regarding Payment of MSME Dues.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
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Dear all, 

Your association SIMA, is sending the D.O. No.16/08/2018-P&G/Policy(Pt.II) dated 11th September 2020 which is addressed to Large Industries, by Secretary, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India, regarding Payment of MSME Dues.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in the economy of our Nation. Among other things, they contribute around 30% of the GDP and create employment opportunities for more than 11 crore people. Direct and indirect dependence of households, professionals and workers on the MSME sector is all-pervasive. Many of the MSMEs are doing business with Large Industries.

In recent months, particularly as a result of Covid-19, there is visible stress in the business of all entities, but more so in the MSME sector are not getting timely payment from their buyers and users of their goods and services.

So, vide the said D.O. Hon'ble Secretary, MSMEs Ministry has suggested to Large Industries to ease out the issue of cash flow in the MSME sector by making the timely payment to the MSMEs.


Thanking You,
With regards

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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