Donation to a needy person

Donation to a needy person
Friday, December 29, 2017
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Dear all,

Your association is forwarding herewith a mail received from Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa.

Vide the mail, it is stated that a patient named Mr. Prakash B. Patil is suffering from Decompensate Chronic Liver Disease (Cirrhosis of Liver) and needs Liver Transplant as life saving surgery. The patient belongs to a poor family and he is need of help for the operation.

In this regards, the colleague industries who are willing to donate towards the cause, can contact your association SIMA. We are also forwarding herewith the scanned copy of patient’s medical observations and a request letter submitted by Smt. Bhartiben U Patel, Member of District Panchyat, Dadra.

The donation is to be made only through cheque to the concern hospital. Kindly let us know your willingness towards the cause at the earliest.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,

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