Draft amendment in Solid Waste (Handling and Management) Bye-Laws, 2018 on 09/10/2019 issued by SMC.
Dear all,
Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith Draft amendment in Solid Waste (Handling and Management) Bye-Laws, 2018 of SMC on 09th October 2019. Objection suggestions have been invited within a period of 15th days that is before 24th October.
As per draft, the following items will be banned in Silvassa Municipal area :
Manufacture, usage, transport, distribution, wholesale and retail sale, storage and import of the plastic bags with handle or without handle, and the disposable non-recyclable products manufactured from plastic & thermocol (polystyrene) such as single-use disposable dish, cups, plates, glasses, fork, bowl, container, disposable dish/bowl used for packaging food in hotels, spoon, straw, non-woven polypropylene bags, cups/pouches to store liquid, packaging with plastic to wrap or store the products, packaging of food items and grain material etc. and also on use of plastic and thermocol for decoration purpose.
Any violation of the bye-laws shall be punishable in accordance with fine specified in the schedule to this bye-law.
Some of the items have been permitted with certain conditions.
To view the said draft notification PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Please send your objections and suggestions directly to the designated authority.
A copy of objections and suggestions also be sent to SIMA to make a consolidated objection/suggestion representation.
Thanking you,
With regards,
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association
Narendra Trivedi
Other News by SIMA
- Online Seminar on Decoding Govt. Stimulus package for MSMEs.
- Technical Workshop on IND - AS & IFRS
- Association met Chief Officer to resolve the problem of lifting of domestic waste from Industries.
- Webinar on two new limited period schemes of SIDBI, viz. SHWAS and AROG for MSMEs in Gujarat.