E-invitation received from Adani Port and Special Economic Zone Ltd.

E-invitation received from Adani Port and Special Economic Zone Ltd.
Saturday, February 9, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding herewith an E-invitation received from Adani Port and Special Economic Zone Ltd. By the said E-invitation the Adani Port and Special Economic Zone Ltd have invited us to witness the developments and growth story of Adani Containers across India “Partners in Progress”.

The evening event followed by dinner is scheduled on Wednesday 20th February 2019 at Regency Ballroom at Hotel Hyatt Regency, Usmanpur, Ahmedabad. The E-invitation is enclosed herewith.

So the Industrial colleague, who is interested to attend the event may contact Paul Almeida: 09619333530 or Gajanan Babar: 09930050027

This is for your kind information

Thanking you,
With regards

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi,

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