Economic Times MSME Awards 2023 I Partnership Association.

Economic Times MSME Awards 2023 I Partnership Association.
Saturday, July 15, 2023
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Dear, all,

This is to inform you that your association SIMA receives a Mail Send by the Economic Times Digital on Dated, 15.07.2023 Regarding  launched the fourth edition of ET MSMEs Awards. 

 As per the mail, The Economic Times Digital recently launched the fourth edition of ET MSMEs Awards. This mail is meant to seek the association of your esteemed organization as an Associate for ET MSMEs Awards 4.0. Over the years, organizations like IMC Chamber of Commerce, Indian Textile Accessories & Machinery Manufacturers Association, Plastics export promotion council, Association of Diagnostic Manufactures of India, Sports Goods Foundation of India, Synthetic and Rayon textiles export promotion council and many others have associated with us.

Please click here to VIEW THE MAIL

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association, 

Narendra Trivedi,
General Secretary

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