Election of New Office Bearer and New Executive Committee.

Election of New Office Bearer and New Executive Committee.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
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Dear members,

As per bylaws of our association SIMA we had to hold the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and had to elect New Office Bearer and New Executive Committee for the year 2020-21. In and before March-end. 

But due to the pandemic situation which was prevailing in our Territory, we could not hold AGM in time, and now it has been decided to complete the Election process to Elect New Office Bearer and New Executive Committee for the year 2020-21. 

For the said process President has Appointed Mr. Ravi Pandey as Election Officer to complete the procedure and Elect New team for the year 2020-21. 

Mr. Ravi Pandey has declared the Election Schedule for the year 2020-21, he has also Notify Eligibility criteria for voting and contesting the annual election. The Nomination Form for the annual election of 2020-2021, Election Schedule and Eligibility criteria is also attached herewith.

To view the attachments, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

For any clarification and help, any member can contact Mr. Ravi Pandey on 9723822688 or email id: dir@fusioncorpsolution.com

Nomination Form can be obtained from the Office of your association SIMA.

Please ensure that your pending dues of Annual Membership Fee are cleared till date.

We are sure that all the members shall actively participate in the Election process and shall contribute their share to make SIMA strong.

Thanking you,
With Regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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