Employees Deposit Linked Insurance(Amendment) Scheme

Employees Deposit Linked Insurance(Amendment) Scheme
Thursday, June 16, 2016
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Dear all,

Your association is in receipt of a letter no. EDLI/Amendment Scheme 2014/5662 dated 08.06.2016 from Employees Provident Fund Organization, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. The scanned copy of the same is enclosed herewith.

The Gazette Notification issued by the Govt. of India referred above has brought important amendments whereby the benefits of EDLI Scheme have been increased to Rs. 6,00,000/-.

The details of the amendments are as mentioned in attached copy.

This is for your information only.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi 

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