Enrollment of Ayushman Bharat scheme in U.T of D&NH.

Enrollment of Ayushman Bharat scheme in U.T of D&NH.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
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Dear All,

As we all are aware that our Hon'ble Prime Minister Narendra Modiji has launched a scheme towards the Health Sector. The scheme is known as Ayushman Bharat which will provide up to 5lakh coverage per year per family to cure the disease. The copy of the brochure is enclosed herewith for your kind of information.

The benefits of the scheme are :
1. There is no restriction on family size, age or gender.
2. You can go to public or empanelled private hospitals across the country and get free treatment.
3. All members of eligible families as present in SECC database are automatically covered.
4. No money needs to be paid by the family for treatment in case of hospitalization.
5. All pre-existing conditions are covered from day one of the policy. The benefits cover will include pre & post hospitalization.

For more details please go through the attachment. To view the video on Ayushman Bharat Please click here.

It is a humble request from your association SIMA to all the colleague industries to spread awareness regarding the scheme with their employees and workers so that maximum number of people get the benefit of the same.

Thanking you,

With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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