Furnish the detail of Birth Date and Marriage Anniversary

Furnish the detail of Birth Date and Marriage Anniversary
Saturday, August 13, 2016
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Dear members,

SIMA has always tried to strengthen the bonding amongst the colleague industries of DNH and it is the basic object of SIMA that unity and solidarity of the members of association should augment  and for that all the members of SIMA have to contribute their share  to strengthen the friendship, relations and bonding amongst the members. For that regular interaction between the members is required to boost. It is suggested by some of the members that SIMA should  greet to colleague industries on occasion of their Date of Birth and Day of Anniversary.

As SIMA has no records in this regard at present, it is not possible to greet the members on their memorable day. So you all are requested to furnish the detail of your Date of Birth and Date of Anniversary to your association SIMA so that all colleague members can greet and can enhance the lovely moment of your life.

So you are  requested to send the detail of your Date of Birth and Marriage Anniversary so that the same can be updated in the record of SIMA.

Thanking you,

With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi 


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