Further steps towards a non-adversarial tax regime

Further steps towards a non-adversarial tax regime
Friday, September 25, 2015
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Dear all,

A further step towards ease of doing business has been initiated by Central Board of Direct Taxes and to have non-adversarial tax regime in the country, the CBDT has issued an Office Memorandum No. 279/Misc./52/2014-(ITJ), dated:07/11/2014. The copy of the said Office Memorandum is attached herewith. Vide the said Office Memorandum, the CBDT has directed to all Principal Chief Commissioners of Income Tax, Directors General of Income Tax for setting out  12 steps that have to taken by the department to ensure a “non-adversarial tax regime”. One of the important points made is that, Assessing Officers must cease issuing “long and non-specific questionnaire” and making assessments without proper basis. It has been emphasized that each Range Head has to ensure that “frivolous additions or high-pitched assessments” are not made by the AOs. Important directives have also been given with regard to the withholding of refunds, recovery of demand, passing of remand orders and filing of appeals. At the end, the CBDT has warned that officers have to adhere to the instructions scrupulously and that non-adherence will be viewed seriously and disciplinary action initiated.

This information and Memorandum has been shared by one of our Executive Committee Member Shri Utkarsh Mehta in the interest of all colleague industries. SIMA is thankful to Shri Utkarsh Mehta for this gesture and has shared this information with the industries of DNH.

This Memorandum has been forwarded to our colleague industries for their information. From this Office Memorandum it reveals that, Government of India is committed for introduction of non-adversarial tax regime.  Hon'ble Finance Minister has also emphasized the need for furthering a non-adversarial tax regime and to achieve that concerted endeavour at each level, especially at levels where the public interaction is high. This clearly indicates the intension of Government of India.

We are sure that, with such introduction of public friendly policy, GOI shall be able to create  a very conducive atmosphere for ease of doing business.   

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,     

Narendra Trivedi, 

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