Global Exhibition on Services 2016 by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, GOI (SEPC) and CII

Global Exhibition on Services 2016 by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, GOI (SEPC) and CII
Thursday, May 12, 2016
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Dear all,

Your association is in receipt of Letter No. DIC/5(381)/2016/660, dated 09.05.2016 from District Industries Centre, D&NH, Silvassa, along with Letter No. 15-OM (38)/15 pt. dated 11.04.2016 and Letter No. F.No. 15-OM (38)/15 pt.. dated 29.02.2016 received from Joint Secretary Ministry of Tourism, Govt of India, New Delhi. The scanned copies of the letters are enclosed herewith.

Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India, Services Export Promotion Council (SEPC) and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) are jointly organizing the second edition of the Global Exhibition on Services (GES) at India Expo Centre and Mart, Greater Noida from April 20-30, 2016. In GES 2015 nearly 350 companies from 60 countries (including India) participated as exhibitors/ delegates and 3000 structured matchmaking meeting were held.

So, colleague industries are requested to note that, Information Technology and Telecom, SME in Services, Education, Healthcare, Logistics, Media & Entertainment, Professional Services, Tourism, Space and Research & Development shall be the focus sectors of GES 2016.

To participate in GES 2016 interested colleague are requested to contact Mr. Virender Gupta, Deputy Director General, CII and Ms. Anjula Singh Solanky, Director, CII at the contact number and address mentioned in the attached letter. 

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,     

Narendra Trivedi, 

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