Hon'ble JERC has announced the ARR and revised the power tariff for current year.

Hon'ble JERC has announced the ARR and revised the power tariff for current year.
Monday, April 11, 2016
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Dear Members,

​Your association is pleased to inform you that, 
Hon’ble JERC has ​approved the ARR and ​finalized ​the power tariff for the year 2016-2017.The copy of the order passed by Hon'ble JERC in Petition no. 193/2016 has been already sent to you ​​by our mail dated 09th April 2016.

A huge surplus of Rs. 687 Cr has been estimated at the end of the year 16-17 and the said fact of surplus was brought to the Notice of Hon'ble JERC by SIMA & other association Hon’ble JERC heard the Associations carefully and ​accepted the submission of Associations and has passed on the substantial part of surplus to consumers by reduction in Tariff and  energy charges.​

This resulted in reduction of energy charges by 80 paise per unit and 70 paise per unit in HT-A and HT-B categories. Tariff for other categories remained unchanged and  other categorizes of consumers are not burdened.

To motivate consumers to surrender the surplus power, Hon’ble JERC ha​s​ increased​ the​ fixed charge from existing Rs. 105 to Rs. 275 per KVA. It will result in increase of approximate 24 paise per unit. If, we put both, decrease and increase together, it works out to net decrease of 55 paise per unit.

You would recall that, ​SIMA and other ​associations had demanded reduction of 50 paise per unit.​ and the said demand of Associations is acceded by Honl. JERC. As this tariff order has passed on 7th April 2016 details study is required and all the three associations are in ​the​ process ​to​ understand​ the​ order​ in detail. YOU COLLEAGUE INDUSTRIES ARE REQUESTED TO GO THROUGH THE TARIFF ORDER AND STUDY THE ORDER IN DETAIL AND GIVE YOUR VALUABLE SUGGESTION AND FEEDBACK TO YOUR ASSOCIATION SIMA. SIMA IN TURN SHALL SHARE THE SAME WITH OTHER COLLEAGUE INDUSTRIES FOR THEIR INTEREST .

​A​s there is substantial reduction in power tariff HT-A and HT-B category, now the HT consumers can get rid of hassles of open access and can continue to procure the power from DNHPDCL. 

​Due to enhancement in fix charges from Rs. 105 to Rs. 275 per KVA the industries having surplus power now shall inclined ​to surrender the surplus power which in turn can be surrendered by DNHPDCL which may further reduce the purchase cost and reduction in power tariff.

This is victory of solidarity of the all three Industries Associations. Congratulations!!!

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi


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