Hurry Up, Register Now for Canton Fair -2015,China

Hurry Up, Register Now for Canton Fair -2015,China
Sunday, September 6, 2015
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Dear Industrial Colleagues,

In continuation of our earlier email dt:22-08-2015 in respect of Canton Fair 2015 (118th China Import and Export Fair), we have to further inform you that, as you know that, Canton Fair is the largest commodity trade fair, which will be held this year from 15th October – 05th November 2015 at Gaungzhou, PR China.

In this regard, Orbit has approached your association Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association (SIMA), to form delegation in which delegates from MSME and other industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli may be joined to visit the biggest platforms “Canton Fair 2015”

Accordingly your association SIMA invited the enrolment of the delegates from the various industries units of Dadra & Nagar Haveli so that, a joint delegation from our UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli can visit the Canton Fair-2015 between 15th October – 05th November 2015 at Gaungzhou, PR China.

We are pleased to inform you that, your association SIMA has got good response from the industries colleagues of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and till date about 20 delegates have enroled their names to join in the delegation to visit the fair. We request that, if additional 10 to 12 delegates still come forward to make a group of minimum 30 delegates,  then your association SIMA can negotiate with Orbit for organizing the tour to China during the Fair. If we shall have 30 delegates, we can bargain for good deal from Orbit and also request them to have a special tailor made tour programme for delegation of our association SIMA.

So, you are requested to go through the brochures and other details, that was sent to you along with email dt: 22-08-2015. It is further requested that, interested delegates can enrol their name at the earliest to enable SIMA  toorganize the tour programme of China to visit the Canton Fair- 2015.

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,    

Narendra Trivedi, 



Date: 22/08/2015 

Dear Industrial Colleagues, 

The Canton Fair is a comprehensive and specialized event for the manufacturers and consumers wherein a variety of over 150000 high quality of products at reasonable price are displayed by the international exhibitors. The top 5 countries and regions with the most exhibiting enterprises are Korea, Taiwan Province, Malaysia, India and Turkey.

The Canton Fair 2015 (The 118th China Import and Export Fair) is the largest commodity trade fair, which will be held this year from 15th October – 05th November 2015 at Gaungzhou, PR China. The International Pavilion has become one of the best platforms for international exhibitors to explore Chinese market.

In last year i.e. 117th session, the total exhibition area  was 1.18 million sq.m. and the number of booths was 60,228 with 24,713 exhibitors from home and abroad

Your association is in receipt of a letter dtd:07/07/2015 from Orbit Corporate & Leisure Travels (I) Pvt. Ltd. regarding the upcoming fair i.e. 118th China Import & Export Fair – Oct’ 2015 (Canton Fair). The scanned copy of the letter and brochures are enclosed herewith for your reference.

Orbit, the India's leading business tours company, organize the visits of the International Trade Fair, study-cum-exploration visit for almost any type of industries. Orbit has organized many delegations of Small Scale Industries Associations & Chambers of Commerce from India to this trade fair in the past. More than 15,000 entrepreneurs have already visited Canton Fair with Orbit.   

This year in Phase-1 i.e. 15th - 19th October 2015, Electronics and Household Electrical Appliances, Vehicle and Spare Parts, Lighting Equipments, etc. products as mentioned in the brochure shall be exhibited. In Phase-2, i.e. 23rd - 27th October 2015, Consumer Goods and other products as mentioned in the brochure shall be exhibited and in Phase-3 i.e. 31st Oct to 4th Nov 2015, Office Supplies, Cases and Bags, Recreation Products, Foods, etc product as mentioned in brochure shall be exhibited.  

Orbit has approached your association Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association (SIMA), to form delegation in which delegates from MSME and other industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli may be joined to visit the biggest platforms “Canton Fair 2015”.

So, it is hereby invited the delegates from various industrial units of Dadra & Nagar Haveli to join the delegation and for that we appeal the colleague industries to send their nominations. If we receive nominations from 30 or more delegates from our territory, we can request Orbit to organize a special tailor-made tour programme specially for our association to visit the Canton Fair 2015 between 15th Oct- 5th Nov 2015 at Guangzhou, PR China.

So, you are requested to go through brochure in details which is attached herewith and inform your association SIMA about your willingness to join the delegation of our association SIMA. On the confirmation from your end, we can further work out the plan and negotiate with the Orbit Corporate & Leisure Travels (I) Pvt. Ltd. Your early action in the matter shall help us to move further in the matter.       

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,   

Narendra Trivedi, 

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