Implementation of EPFO e- court mgmt. system, nomination of Nodal Officer

Implementation of EPFO e- court mgmt. system, nomination of Nodal Officer
Saturday, June 3, 2017
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Dear all,

Your Association is forwarding herewith a notification no. LC-7/5/E-court, dtd. 23.05.2017, issued by Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), Head Office, New Delhi.The soft copy of the notification is attached herewith.

EPFO e-court Management System has been launched on 16.05.2017.The objective of the project is a transparent and electronic case management system which will cater to aspirations of all stakeholders – the employers, the employees, litigants and CBT. It is a step towards paperless court system wherein court procedure of EPF & MP Act, 1952 and EPFAT will take place in a digital environment.

Further, in order to facilitate easy access to the tribunal, automated messages will be sent to the litigants on their registered mobile numbers on the status of their cases. The stakeholders can also track the individual cases online.

Now the parties can file all their paper / evidence / documents online and all the details along with status can be accessed online. Updation is an important part of e-court management system in which digital case record will create a digital database which can be utilized to generate meaningful and accurate reports. This is also an attempt to create paperless court procedure along with efficiency and transparency in the system.

For the implementation of e-court mgmt. existing nodal officers of regional offices are designated to work as Nodal Officers.

For more information kindly go through the attachment.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,

Narendra Trivedi, 

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