Imposition of Central Excise duty of one person on jewellery

Imposition of Central Excise duty of one person on jewellery
Thursday, August 25, 2016
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is in receipt of Trade Notice No. 04/2016 regarding Clarifications, guidelines & General Procedures with reference to Imposition of Central Excise duty on jewellery. Accordingly the board has issued Circular No. 1040/28/2016-CX dated 26th July, 2016, 1041/29/2016-CX dated 26th July, 2016, 1042/30/2016-CX dated 26th July, 2016, 1043/31/2016-CX dated 26th July 2016, 1044/32/2016-CX dated 26th July, 2016 & 1045/33/2016-CX dated 26th July 2016. The scanned copies of the Trade Notice and are enclosed herewith.

So the manufacturer, trader, dealer dealing in the articles of jewellery or part of article of jewellery are requested to go through the trade notice and circulars and follow the guideline and procedure to register and pay central excise duty of one person as introduce and impose by Government of India in this year budget.

For any clarification or help you may approach Shri Sunil Ijari, One of the nominee of SIMA and member of Regional Advisory Committee.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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