"INDIATEX" International Exhibition of Textile Industry

"INDIATEX" International Exhibition of Textile Industry
Monday, October 12, 2015
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Dear All,

We are pleased to informed you that "INDIATEX" International Exhibition of Textile Industry- 2016 shall be held from 16th to 18th march 2016, at Bombay Convention & Exhibition Canter, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400063, INDIA.

The scanned copy of the brochure containing whole details are attached here with. This exhibition is a very important event for the industries, traders, technocrats   who are in the textile sector. The said exhibition will also provide a unique  platform to the textile sector to display their products. Also textile machine manufacturers can use the platform to display their latest textile machineries and their new enhanced and advance technology,  as number of representatives from textile sector shall visit the exhibition.

So colleague  from textiles sector are hereby requested to contact the organizer The Textile Association India Mumbai unit for space booking , sponsorship and any Information. The  name, numbers and email id of the contact persons  are mentioned in the brochure.  

The textile industries are requested to display their products and/or visit the exhibition for enrichment  of their knowledge.

Thanking you,
​​With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,​

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