INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS SUMMIT 2020 on 4th January 2020 at Taj Palace, New Delhi.

INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS SUMMIT 2020 on 4th January 2020 at Taj Palace, New Delhi.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is pleased to inform you that  Associations Council, a forum of over 100 National Level Associations, is organising the Industry Associations’ Summit 2020 with the theme Bringing Back High Trajectory Growth: Government-Industry Partnership for Competitiveness of India Inc. on 4th January 2020 at Taj Palace, Durbar Hall, New Delhi.

Key Themes

1. Future of Industry: Megatrends that will (re) shape India.
2. Doing Business: Cost and Ease for India Inc.
3. Need for Robust Infrastructure.                                                                                                              
4. Technology, Innovation and Digital Partnership for a $5 Trillion Economy
5. Going Global

Advantages to attend the Summit.

1. To understand trends and developments both global and domestic that will lead to the creation of significant opportunities in the future
2. To recognize industry imperatives in the wake of imminent global shifts and disruptions
3. To represent your association’s stake and contribution in the developmental agenda
4. Target Audience
5. Top Government and industry leaders, as well as over 200 industry associations, will participate in the Summit.

To participate in the Program please send complete details of Company Name, Delegate Name, Address, Mobile, Telephone, Email and Website at & kindly keep CC to

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association   

Narendra Trivedi

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