Installation of modem for digital readings through remote senses.

Installation of modem for digital readings through remote senses.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
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Dear All,

Your association SIMA is in receipt of an email Federation of Industries Association Silvassa regarding the installation of the modem. The soft copy of the same is attached herewith for your reference.

As per the meeting held on 29th June 2018 with the representative of Industries Associations, DNHPDCL suggested to expedite the process of taking the digital readings through remote senses. The digital reading is only possible if modems are installed. Although a large number of consumers have already installed the modem,  but there are few consumers who have not installed the modem yet.

The consumers who have not installed the modem needs to make sure that DNHPDCL installs the modem in their premises and the cost will be recovered through the energy bills of the consumers.

All the colleague industries are requested to co-operate with DNHPDCL. You are aware that, installation of the modem is mandatory for all HT consumers.

The scanned copy of the meeting notice held on 29/06/2018 is also enclosed herewith for your reference.

This is for your kind information.

Thanking you,

With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    

Narendra Trivedi 

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