Installments for payment of fees for Temporary Shed erected in Margins.

Installments for payment of fees for Temporary Shed erected in Margins.
Friday, July 31, 2020
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Dear all,

As you know SIlvassa Municipal Corporation conducted a survey to identify the area of Temporary Shed erected in Margins by the Industries. As per provision of Development Control Rules 2014 for Dadra and Nagar Haveli the owner is bound to pay fee for such Temporary Sheds. Accordingly SMC informed the Industries to pay Rs. 50/ for the total area of such temporary shed. In this respect Fedetarion of Industries Association, Silvassa along with its three constituent Association SIMA, SIA & DNHIA approached to the Chief officer Silvassa Municipal Corporation and requested to waive this fee considering the present critical condition. FIA submitted a letter on dated 27/07/2020 in respect of waiving of fees for making applications for erecting temporary monsoon sheds. 

On representation of Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa, Cheif Officer Silvassa Municipalty has replied  to FIA vide letter No. SMC/CO/GNL/2020/353/3768 dated 30/07/2020. Vide said letter SMC informed that it is not possible for them to waive the fees as per the provision of DC rules 2014.

However, Considering the unprecedented Covid-19 situation, you may pay the temporary construction fee on monthly installments or quarterly installment basis. SIMA appreciate the action of Cheif Officer, SMC for granting installment for payment of the fees considering the tough time.

The Industries of Urban areas (Municipal Limit) have to pay the fees in the office of Silvassa Municipal Council and for the Industries of Rural areas (Panchayat area) have to apply and pay the fees to Planning and Development Authority. 


Thanking you,

With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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