Interaction with Shri S.S. Yadavji, I.A.S, Honl. Advisor to Honl. Administrator, DD and DNH

Interaction with Shri S.S. Yadavji, I.A.S,  Honl. Advisor to Honl. Administrator, DD and DNH
Friday, May 12, 2017
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Dear all,

We are pleased to inform you that, Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa had a fruitful meeting with Shri S.S. Yadavji, I.A.S,  Hon’ble Advisor to Hon’ble Administrator, DD and DNH on 11th May 2017. The  Executive Committee Members of FIA who are representing the three constituent associations i.e. SIA, DNHIA and SIMA attended the meeting and Hon’ble Advisor was briefed about the various problems and issues face by industries in this UT. The factors and procedures of various departments that are causing hurdles in growth of industrial sector were also pointed out for taking a remedial measures.

Hon’ble Advisor Shri S.S. Yadavji gave a very patient hearing and the various issues were discussed in length and his goodself directed the various departments to adopt simplified procedures to eliminate the hardship to the industries. Gathering appreciated the positive attitude of Shri S.S. Yadavji and representatives of industries felt that the dream of “Ease of Doing Business in DNH” is a step ahead towards reality. It was requested by FIA to hold such meeting at regular interval  to review the action taken by the concern departments.  

All the three associations covey that hearties thanks to Shri S.S. Yadavji, I.A.S., Hon’ble Advisor to Hon’ble Administrator, DD and DNH for taking the interest to generate a conducive atmosphere to stimulate the growth of industries in the UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and industries of DNH hope that his goodself shall continue his efforts to ensure the industrial growth.

The detailed of various issues discussed in the meeting is forwarded by FIA to your association, which is enclosed herewith for your ready reference.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association, 

Narendra Trivedi,

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