INVITATION: Annual Conference on Industrial Automation - 3rd Edition

INVITATION: Annual Conference on Industrial Automation - 3rd Edition
Friday, November 14, 2014
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Dear all,
Your Association and received invitation from Mr.Ashok Rao Chairman, Conference on Industrial Automation 2013.& Co-Chairman Manufacturing on Competitiveness Sub-Committee CII-SR & Managing partner ,KGK Engineering. The copy of the invitation is attached herewith. 
They are going to organise a Conference on Industrial Automation - 3rd Edition Automation in Discrete Manufacturing Current Practices   & Emerging Trends. Conference will be held on 9 December 2014 at Hotel Taj Cormandel, Chennai.
The Location and the technical Sessions will make this Conference a truly unique experience and a great value for colleague industries.You can register yourself  online for the conference.  While this conference in Manufactures sector on a sustained basis require a skilful adoption of automation technologies.
You are requested to attend the above conference and enjoy the technical part of the program, the networking opportunities, as well as the great value that this conference brings. 
This is for your kind information. 
Thanking You,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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