Invitation for AHPPL Trade Meet - PARTNERS IN PROGRESS - 5th June

Invitation for AHPPL Trade Meet - PARTNERS IN PROGRESS - 5th June
Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Dear all,

We are in receipt of the invitation for the "Business Session" from Adani Hazira Port Pvt. Ltd. The copy of the said invitation is attached herewith.

In the said "Business Session" the representation of Adani Hazira Port Pvt Ltd shall update the highlighting trade of there milestones and development and they will, along with customs, recognize all their stake holders using Hazira Port.

So you are requested to attend​ the Business Session followed by Dinner on 05th June, 2015 at The Grand Bhagwati(TGB), Magdalla Circle, Dumas Road, Surat.

As this Business Session can provide industries an edge in this competitive global market, it is once again requested​ for your​ active participation in the session and give edge to your business.

Thanking you,
With regards, 
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association    
Narendra Trivedi 

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