Invitation to attend a Video Conference with business entities from Turkmenistan.
Dear all,
Your association SIMA is pleased to inform you that IMC Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Embassy of India in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan in association with Chamber of Commerce and Industry & Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan are organizing a Video Conference between business entities from Textile, Cotton and Leather Industry of India and Turkmenistan on Thursday, 26th November 2020 at 5.30 pm.
The objective of the video conference is to provide a platform for Indian businesses from Textile, Cotton and Leather Industry to meet and interact with Turkmen businesses on a virtual platform.
The virtual meeting will be on Zoom. There is No Participation Fee, but registration is necessary.
For registrations, please visit on
For more details, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Thanking you,
With regards,
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association
Narendra Trivedi