Issuance of C-Forms online in time bound and transparent manner

Issuance of C-Forms online in time bound and transparent manner
Thursday, October 13, 2016
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA had received numerous complaints from its associate members regarding huge pendencies in issuance of C-Form by VAT Department and approximately more than 15000 C-Forms of nos. of assessees were pending with VAT Department under the pretext that  the department has not approved the same and such C-Forms are pending for approval with VAT Department.

As we all know that, Dadra & Nagar Haveli Administration has introduced online services for issuance of C-Forms  to ensure the issuance of C-Forms in time bound and transparent manner and if department is not granting approval in requisite time then the very purpose of online is defeated.

Hence, Federation of Industries Association, Silvassa and SIMA took up the matter with the Deputy Commissioner and VAT Officer and briefed them about the delay in issuance of C-Forms. On our submission and follow up, all pending C-Forms have been approved and issued by the department immediately.

So, we are thankful to Deputy Commissioner, Sales Tax Officer and staff of VAT Department for the prompt action in the matter from their end and we hope that the department shall continue the same practice and issue the C-Form in time bound manner to make the online system successful.

Still in case any of industrial colleague has any issue in getting the C-Forms may contact your association SIMA and/or the authority of VAT Department to resolve the issue.

Thanking you,
​​With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,​

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