Legal Opinion on Payment of Wages during Lockdown dated 13/04/2020 prepared by Legal Experts.

Legal Opinion on Payment of Wages during Lockdown dated 13/04/2020 prepared by Legal Experts.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
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Dear all, 

Your association SIMA is enclosed herewith Legal Opinion on Payment of Wages during “Lockdown” dated 13/04/2020 prepared by Legal Experts.

Entire World has been badly affected due to the pandemic of Corona Virus COVID-19 and India is also going through the difficult times. In order to combat the spread of the virus, the Central Government, as well as the State Governments, have issued several Notifications, Circulars, Guidelines and Orders for the citizens and Employers (be it Advisory or Orders) and specifically referring below important aspects that financially impacts to the Employers. 

1. Not to terminate employees, particularly casual or contractual workers from jobs or reduce their wages. 

2. If any worker takes leave, he should be deemed to be on duty without any consequential deductions in wages for this period. 

3. If the place of employment is to be made non-operational due to COVID-19, the employees of such unit will be deemed to be on duty. 

4. Full Wages to be paid on time and without any deductions. 

In this regard, some of the Legal experts have expressed their views towards the maintainability of the Orders / Advisories issued by Central / State Government for payment of wages to the employees and as a Principal Employer ensuring the same for Contract Labourers also. For more detail please go through the attachment. 

For more details, please go through the attachment.

Thanking you,
With Regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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