Lets come together and unite

Lets come together and unite
Saturday, November 29, 2014
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Dear All,

We are happy to welcome you to our association Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association (SIMA). We are sure that your membership and association with SIMA shall strengthen our unity which in return shall help us to protect the interest of industries and particularly MSMEs in U.T. of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

Our motto and aim is to protect the common interest of industries and represent our concerned issues at appropriate Authority. With your support and cooperation your Association SIMA can louder its voice before appropriate forum for the redressal of the grievances of the industries.

We appeal colleague Industries and particularly MSME units to join SIMA as member and let us unite and strengthen our Association to unable association to standby with its member in his tough time. You are also requested to actively participate in the activity of your Association and induced other units to join us.

We are pleased to inform you that, our association SIMA has launched a website i.e. www.simadnh.org on 10th September 2014. The said website is now in operation and can be viewed by the industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and interested persons. On the website, we have tried to provide very useful information about the Administrative set-up, history of Dadra & Nagar Haveli, tourism and places of interest. We are daily updating the news, circulars, letters and other information which we are in receiving from Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and from other sources. The said information are very useful for the Industrial colleagues and it will enhance the information and knowledge of fellow industries. The said website will provide important circulars, notifications, policies of local Administration and of Govt. of India under heading "News/Circular".
So, you all are requested to visit the website and give your valuable suggestion and feedback to make the said site more informative and interesting.

Our profile, membership categories and membership form are attached herewith for your information. 

For any query, problem or any help, please feel free to contact your Association on the following numbers.

Chandrakant Parekh (President) – 09824110521

Narendra Trivedi (Secretary) - 09824101174,

Ravi N. Pandey (Executive Secretary) – 09723822688

Pawan Kumar Modi (Marketing Executive) – 07698640102


Jinal Patel (Executive Assistant)-0760075821

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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