Letter issued by Budget Officer, Tax Research Unit, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance.

Letter issued by Budget Officer, Tax Research Unit, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance.
Friday, November 15, 2019
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA is forwarding a Letter dated 11th November 2019 issued by Budget Officer, Tax Research Unit, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India on “Suggestions from the Industry and Trade Associations for Budget 2020-21 regarding changes in direct and indirect taxes.

 As per the letter, the Ministry of Finance is formulating the proposal for the Union Budget 2020-21, hence Ministry seeks suggestions and views of the industries associations. Industries may send their suggestions for changes in the duty structure, rates and broadening of tax base on both direct and indirect taxes giving economic justification for the same.

The suggestions and views may be supplemented and justified by relevant statistical information about the production, price, revenue implications of the changes suggested and any other information to support your proposal. The request for correction of inverted duty structure, if any for a commodity, should necessarily be supported by value addition at each stage manufacturing of the commodity. It would not be feasible to examine suggestions that are either not clearly explained or which are not supported by adequate justification/ statistics.

In this regards, all the colleague industry may send their suggestions and views by email to budget-cbec@nic.in in respect of Indirect Taxes and ustpl3@nic.in with respect to Direct Taxes. Hardcopies of the Pre-budget proposal and suggestions relating Custom & Central Excise may be addressed to Shri G.D. Lohani, Joint Secretary (TRU-I), CBIC, while the suggestions relating to Direct Taxes may be addressed to Shri K.C. Varshney, Joint Secretary, Tax Policy and Legislation (TPL-I) CBDT and the suggestion should be reached by 21st November 2019.

A copy/email may be sent to your association SIMA (simasilvassa@gmail.com) to enable your association to compile and represent to the Ministry.

To read the full article PLEASE CLICK HERE.


Thanking you,

With regards,  

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association   

 Narendra Trivedi 


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