Letter submitted to DNHPDCL to extend time to pay electricity bill and waive maximum demand charges.

Letter submitted to DNHPDCL to extend time to pay electricity bill and waive maximum demand charges.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
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Dear all,

Your association SIMA has submitted a letter to the Managing Director, DNH Power Distribution Corporation Ltd, Silvassa on dated 27th March 2020 regarding extension of time to pay the electricity bill and waive maximum demand charges.

As per the directives issued by the UT Administration from time to time to contain the further spread of COVID 19, all the industries are stopped their production excluding the special category industries manufacturing medical and essential items. All the industries always stand with the UT Administration to stop the COVID 19 to spread. 

For the safeguard of industries during this situation, your association SIMA requested to the MD, DNHPDCL to consider the following in the line of Gujarat Government recently announced. 

1. To waive maximum demand charges charged by DNHPDCL against connected load for the period of March and April 2020.

2. To extend the due date for payment of electricity bill by the industrial consumer of March, April and May 2020 up to 30th June 2020

3. To put a moratorium over the tariff hike electricity for a further period of two years. 

To view the letter, PLEASE CLICK HERE. 

Thanking you,
With regards, 

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi, 

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