List of the industries to whom authorization to handle hazardous waste was issued

List of the industries to whom authorization to handle hazardous waste was issued
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
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Dear all,

We have received the list of industries who have been authorized by PCC to handle hazardous waste and they are registered  with Pollution Control Committee.  The Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli developed the site at Randha. On the said site various like facilities of incineration/land filling were developed to dispose off the hazardous waste generated in UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

We herewith enclosing the list of such industries to whom authorization to handle hazardous waste was issued. Click here to view the list furnished by PCC. 

Accordingly, it was obligatory on the part of such industries to dispose off the hazardous waste generated in their plant by utilizing the facilities developed for the said purpose.

Accordingly the said industries were asked to become a member of GEPIL, to utilize its site for the disposal off hazardous waste.

But it is very painful to note that, though these units are member of the utility GEPIL, are not using the facility for disposal of the hazardous waste generated by them. And it is informed by the GEPIL that the units are not sending the notified quantum of hazardous waste for its proper disposal.

So, it is apprehension of the PCC and GEPIL that, as utilization of the said facility is chargeable, such units are  disposing their hazardous waste illegally to save money. As number of such units are not utilizing the facility as per their commitment, the operation of facility has become unviable.

This is very serious issue, as the said utility shall stop and in that circumstances it will not be possible for us to run such units, who are generating hazardous waste during their process. Because as per the guideline of Hon'ble Supreme Court, the inter-state movement of hazardous waste is banned and it will not be possible for us to send the hazardous waste to other state for its scientific and proper disposal . Thus, it is in the interest of such units to ensure that the utility become viable and run smoothly.

The scanned copy of list of the units to whom authorization to handle hazardous waste are issued  is attached herewith for your kind reference.  

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association, 

Narendra Trivedi,

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