Mandatory filing of return in Form -5 A online for EPF
Dear all,
Mr. Ramesh Akhade (HR), M/s Voltas Ltd. one of our colleague industry has shared Circular No. C-III/Compliance-2001/Cir/E-II/39808, dtd: 25/02/2015 and Order No. C-III/Compliance-2001/Cir/E-II/39807, dtd:25/02/2015. The scanned copy of the said circular and order are enclosed herewith.
Vide the said order, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India has issued a direction to the employers, who are covered under EPF to mandatory file return in form 5-A, online with the EPF organization with effect from 25/02/2015. It is also mandated that the deadline of filing of Form 5-A is fixed till 31st March 2015. Failure to file said return, online by 31st March 2015 will amount to non-submission of statutory return and action as provided Under Section 14 of the Act shall be initiated.
This is for information and necessary action from your end.
Thanking you,
With regards,
For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association,
Narendra Trivedi,