Meeting with Hon'ble Administrator in respect of Safety, Hygiene and Environment

Meeting with Hon'ble Administrator in respect of Safety, Hygiene and Environment
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
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Dear all,

Hon'ble Administrator of DD & DNH Shri Ashish Kundraji hold a meeting on 20th January 2015 at Secretariat, Silvassa with the industries representatives of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Hon'ble Member of Parliament Shri Natubhai G Patelji and Hon'ble Collector Shri G.S. Meenaji were also present in the said meeting.

Hon'ble Administrator expressed his serious concern, on the significant increase in industrial fatal accidents occurred in the last few months. His honor  advised to industries, to strictly follow the safety norms, provisions and practices to avoid such industrial mishaps. On this, the representatives of Industries also expressed their concern and it was agreed by the gathering that industries should give more stress on safety norms in their factory and also adopt a very standard safety norms in their manufacturing process and activity and also follow all the precautionary measures at the time of undertaking  any maintenance work.  Every industries should give priority to the safety and should impart knowledge to their employees to develop and adopt safe practice in the process of manufacturing activities.

Our association SIMA is of the view that, the big units who are having stringent  safety norms and having guideline to create a very safe working conditions, should share their knowledge and information with the other fellow industries to bring awareness about the safety among the employers and employees in MSME sectors. So, it is appeal to large industries to come forward to share with our other colleague industries of MSME sectors, such information, norms and practices related to safety.

SIMA shall also provide an appropriate platform from where, safety norms and practices can be shared by the large industries with the MSME units by which very safe environment can be created in industries of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and by which such industrial mishaps can be controlled and reduced.

It was also informed by Hon'ble Administrator that, Administration is in receipt of complaints in respect of emission  and discharge the pollution by industries and which is causing damage to the hygiene and environment of this territory and also adversely effecting the health of the people of this area. Hon'ble Administrator warned that, strict action shall be initiated against such industries who are causing damage to the environment and cleanness of this UT.  

Your association SIMA expressed its concern about the hygiene and environment of our beautiful territory and the health of the people. We appeal to all the fellow industries to take proper care and maintain good hygiene in and around their factories and also ensure that environment of this territory is not damaged as we are duty bound to protect and maintain the environment for our future generation of this Territory.  

The representatives of industries requested Hon'ble Administrator to ensure that, the existing approach of Police to handle the industrial accident case is changed. The present Police treat such accidents  as intention acts to harm the work men but the reality is far away from this thinking. In fact, such mishaps are not intentional  but due to some errors or negligence. Hon'ble Member of Parliament Shri Natubhai Patel also endorsed the view of industries representatives and cautioned that such approach of the Police shall give negative message to the industries which will effect the industrial growth.

It was informed by Hon'ble Administrator and Hon'ble Member of Parliament Shri Natubhai Patel  that, Dudhini Panchayat has been adopted under "Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana". The said "Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana" is a programme and mission given by Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji to every Sansad. In the said programme, the Administration, Hon'ble Members of Parliament, NGOs and industries have to work jointly to develop such village and to provide all infrastructure like road, drinking water, electricity, school, medical facilities, sanitization  in the said village. Along with that, it is stressed that proper toilets and pakka house shall be provided to the weaker section and it shall be ensured that adequate numbers of toilets are provided to maintain good hygiene and sanitation in the said village area. For this Adarsh Gram Vikas Society has been promoted by the Administration and it was appealed by Hon'ble Administrator and Hon'ble Member of Parliament that, the big industries should come forward and contribute their shares in this cause as their Corporate Social Responsibility, it was also appealed that, even small scale industries should voluntarily come forward and should contribute minimum Rs. 30,000/- for construction of one toilet under  the "Sansad Adarsh Gram Yogana"  through the society.

Your association SIMA also appeal to the fellow industries, to voluntarily come forward for the social cause. We, industrialist have setup our units in this area and we are earning our livelihood from this territory, so we are duty bound to shoulder our social responsibility in this noble cause.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi

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