Mega Industrial Expo- 2018 at VIA Ground, Vapi

Mega Industrial Expo- 2018 at VIA Ground, Vapi
Friday, January 5, 2018
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Dear all,

Your association is in receipt of an email from Federation of Industries Association, Silvassa regarding Industrial Expo at VIA Ground, Vapi. The soft copy of the mail is enclosed herewith for your reference.

We are pleased to inform you that, Federation of Industries Associations, Silvassa and Industrial Info Media are jointly organizing a Mega Industrial Exhibition from 15th - 17th January 2018.

In the inauguration ceremony of the event on 15th January 2018, Smt. Reshma Lakhani, Hon’ble Commissioner-GST, Daman will be the Chief Guest.

In this grand event, Federation invites all the member of its constituents associations to kindly be present and grace the event.

The details of the event are as follows:
Inauguration Ceremony : 15th January 2018 at 11.00 A.M.
15th – 17th January 2018   - Exhibition from 10.AM to 6.00 PM

Your association requests all the colleague industries to visit the Mega Industrial Expo and explore their business network in this platform.

Thanking you,
With regards,

For Silvassa Industries & Manufacturers Association

Narendra Trivedi,

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